國際會議 | 燃情六月,2023 ASMS重磅來襲!
2023年第71屆美國質譜年會(71th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics)將于2023年6月4日至6月8日在美國休斯頓舉行,屆時上千人將齊聚一堂,推廣和傳播質譜及其相關主題的知識,以及化學、地質學、法醫學、生物科學和物理學方面的基礎研究。
邁維代謝作為代謝組學的領先企業,受邀參加此次盛會,歡迎來邁維代謝#926展臺與我們的Svetlana Sapelnikova博士和Bobby Wei交流!
Metabolomics: The next Omics
Genes will tell you what may happen, Metabolites tell you what is happening or has happened.?Global metabolite profiling via LC-MS is often used for detecting metabolites from biological or environmental samples and obtaining relative quantification in an unbiased manner. The main application is to compare the case group with the control group to find metabolites that show significant differences and thereby providing clues to the metabolic pathways and genes that are involved in the process.
Multi-Omics Research Solutions
Research in a biological system requires a holistic approach that integrates various data such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Looking at these data together will be the key to understand processes in cancer, agricultural breeding, biological development, and pharmaceutical discovery.?
會議地點:Houston, TX, USA
會議時間:June 4-8
International Office: 8A Henshaw St., Woburn, MA 01801
MetwareBio核心成員都有超過10年的從業經驗。重點給大家介紹北美公司負責人Jeffrey Chu博士和北美實驗室主任Wenjuan?Yu博士。
Jeffrey Chu
Jeffrey Chu Ph.D.
博士畢業于加拿大西門菲沙大學,擅長利用多組學和生物信息學技術開展生命科學與醫學數據分析,助力生命科學和人類疾病的研究,在Nat. Commun., Genome Res, Genome Biol.等雜志上發表了超過25篇文章。
Wenjuan?Yu Ph.D.
博士畢業于美國愛荷華州立大學(ISU),在生命醫藥、化工、食品、環境等多個研究領域積累了十四年的分析經驗,發表了包括Nat. Commun., MOL PLANT, Food Chem等在內的63篇文章。