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1 熱分析導論 Introduction to Thermal Analysis
1.1 差示掃描量熱法 (DSC)Differential Scanning Calorimetrv
1.1.1 常規 DSC Conventional DSC
1.1.2 溫度調制 DSC Temperature—modulated DSC ADSC IsoStep TOPEMTM
1.2 熱重分析(TGA) Thermogravimetric Anaiysis
1.3 熱機械分析(TMA) Thermomechanical Analysis
1.4 動態熱機械分析(DMA) Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
1.5 與TGA的同步測量 Simultaneous Measurements with TGA
1.5.1 同步DSC和差熱分析 (DTA,SDTA) SimuItaneous DSC and Differential Thermal Analysis
1.5.2 析出氣體分析(EGA) Evolved Gas Analysis TGA—MS TGAF—TIR
2 聚合物的結構和性能 Structure and Behavior of Polymers
2.1 聚合物領域的一些定義 Some Definitions in the Field of Polvmers
2.2 聚合物的物理結構 Physical Structure of Polymers
2.3 熱塑性聚合物 Thermoplastic Polymers
2.3.1 無定形塑料 Amorphous Plastics
2.3.2 半結晶塑料 Semicrystalline Plastics
3 熱塑性聚合物的重要領域 Important Fields of Thermoplastic Polymers
4 熱塑性聚合物的應用一覽表 Application Overview of Thermoplastic Polymers
5 熱塑性聚合物的特征溫度表 Table of characteristic temperatures of thermoplastic polymers
6 重要熱塑性聚合物的性能和典型的熱分析應用 Properties of Important Thermoplastic Polymers and Typical TA Applications
6.1 聚乙烯,PE Polyethylene
6.2 乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物,E/VAC Ethylene/Vinylacetate Copolymer
6.3 聚丙炳,PP Polypropylene
6.4 聚苯乙烯,PS Polystyrene
6.5 聚氯乙烯,PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
6.6 聚醋酸乙烯,PVAC Polyvinyl Acetate
6.7 聚酰胺,PA Polyamide
6.8 聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯,PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
6.9 聚碳酸酯,PC Polycarbonate
6.10 聚甲醛,POM Polyoxymethylene
6.11 聚四氟乙烯,PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
7 熱塑性聚合物的應用 Applications of Thermoplastic Polymers
7.1 聚乙烯測試 Measurements on Polyethylene
7.2 聚丙烯測試 Measurements on Polypropylene Based Material
7.3 聚苯乙烯的玻璃化轉變 Glass Transition of Polystyrene
7.4 聚氯乙烯的熱分析測試TA Measurements on Polyvinyl Chloride
7.5 聚酰胺及其共混物 Polyamides and Their Blends
7.6 聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的熱行為 Thermal Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate
7.7 其它聚合物測試 Measurements on Other Polymers
7.8 熱塑性彈體 Thermoplastic Elastomers
7.9 聚合物共混物和共聚物 Polymer Blends and Copolymers
7.10 熱塑性塑料及其產品的進一步測試 Further
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